For blogs with less than 300 Followers

For blogs with less than 300 Followers
Thanks to Hestia's Larder for this delightful award.
(For Blogs with less than 300 Followers)

Sunday 10 April 2011

I'm so lucky

The Award Presenter
(Not Ali X,but Scarlett J)

I won an award.

Someone actually liked this blog so much, that they nominated it for a real award, with its own cute little logo and everything.

Thank you to Ali X who writes Hestia's Larder  for getting it for me.  If you haven't read her before, I encourage you to do so. Well written, funny and sometimes wet-your-pants hilarious.

So that means that the style I've chosen is a winner.

Expect more dirty pictures, sick and twisted humour, stories from school and New Zealand, with the occasional reminisce of Scotland and The Army.  Sentimentality is still rare, as are stories about romance and all that soppy stuff.

The Page Views continue to soar at a rate of about 600 per day, although I still suspect that it's the presence of unusual pictures with unusual file names that's really pushing the number of views.

So a big thank you to all my readers.  I couldn't have done it without you.

Thank You


  1. Congratulations TSB, you're in the big time now! Try mentioning double bass - that should settle down your view counter.

  2. "Congratulations TSB"
    He doesn't mean it. Already he's searching the net to find ways to increase his views. Joke is that all he has to do is enter his real location.

  3. I used to have a successful blog but when I got over 100,000 views the groupies kept sending me naked images of themselves. It was all a bit too much so I deleted the blog.

  4. Richard [of RBB]: Thanks. I'll stay away from the double bass if it's all the same to you.

    Anon: Yes he does. Richard [of RBB] is a genuine, warm, caring and humble person. I know he is because he told me so yesterday.

    We know his real location.
    It's the bus station in Nuova Lazio.

    TC: You deleted the pictures.........!
    What a silly person. They could all have become your future customers. You could have sold them clothes at the same time as selling houses.

  5. That is SO me and not Scarlet J.

    Hope you get loads more followers - not that I'm exactly flush with them m'self!

    Ali x


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