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For blogs with less than 300 Followers
Thanks to Hestia's Larder for this delightful award.
(For Blogs with less than 300 Followers)

Saturday 12 February 2011

Saturday Quickie

I will post more later, but I'm really busy now.  We've got about 12 people coming for lunch, and I've got to get the house all spick and span before they arrive.
My duties are vacuuming, dusting and cleaning the bathrooms.

Here's a corrected picture of Fflur.
Fffflur; the right way round
It's OK Fflur, many women have problems working out how to use computers.

It's because computers are logical.


  1. "It's OK Fflur, many women have problems working out how to use computers.
    It's because computers are logical."

    We're lucky at Nuova Lazio High because we have blokes running the computer system. Expecting an important email? No problem to open it! Trying to do the roll for an oversized year 10 class? No problem, the system is fault proof because it's run by blokes!
    Trying to open a lesson plan, that's left on the computer so that paper can be saved, while the roll marking program is open? No problem, blokes are in charge around here!

    Yeah right!

  2. Richard (of RBB),
    Computers are the preferred toy of Satan.

  3. Please note I have posted a photo the correct way around on my blog. The sense of pride I feel at achieving this task is quite immense.

  4. "We're lucky at Nuova Lazio High because we have blokes running the computer system. Expecting an important email? No problem to open it! Trying to do the roll for an oversized year 10 class? No problem, the system is fault proof because it's run by blokes!
    Trying to open a lesson plan, that's left on the computer so that paper can be saved, while the roll marking program is open? No problem, blokes are in charge around here!"

    Exactly.. I've never had any problems with email, KAMAR or anything else.
    Perhaps it's a people thing.

  5. " The sense of pride I feel at achieving this task is quite immense"

    Well done Fflur.
    Now you know how your girls fell when they use an apostrophe correctly.

  6. Fflur looks lovely this way round and I bet she looked as lovely the other way round. Which I'm assuming was a right to left switch? Not an upside down switch?

    Computers ARE the devil's work. That's why I can't keep my hands off my mac. No euphemism.



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