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Friday 22 October 2010

Activities 3

Continuing the series of end of term activities in Nuova Lazio High.

Quick Change

This is an activity for fun and profit.  Best for small groups. 

Choose the participants carefully.  They need some basic mechanical knowledge.
  1. Organise the groups (8 - 10 participants) into covering areas of Nuova Lazio (You can use the maps prepared for Find the Virgin)
  2. Each group has at least one with a mobile phone
  3. If they spot a Subaru Imprezza or a Mitsi Evo in a suitable area(on the grass, nobody home) they phone the organiser
  4. Turn up with a tow truck and back to Nuova Lazio High
  5. Strip, rebuild, respray, renumber and sell to Mr Snake in the Hutt inside 4 hours.
  6. 50% of proceeds for you, the rest spilt between the group
  7. Repeat as many times as you can before the cops start sniffing about
  8. Return all tools to the Technology Department, wiping all fingerprints
  9. Remind all participants that the Dig a Hole  is on tomorrow, and that if they don't keep schtum they'll end up at the bottom as they re-fill

Teachers Only

This is my favourite activity.  As many teachers as you wish, with three pupils per teacher.

  1. All the participating teachers move their cars into the designated area of the car park
  2. Teachers move into the staffroom for coffee and savouries while the designated kids start washing and waxing the cars
  3. After finishing a leisurely tea, teachers inspect the cars, the students responsible for the washing and waxing stand beside their charge. 
  4. The students who have shown that they can produce a good finish are loaded into the minivans and transported to the Petone esplanade.
  5. The students who have produced a poor finish are encouraged to improve with a gentle whipping and sent to the Find the Landmine activity
  6. In Petone, the $5 wash and wax stall is set up in the esplanade car park (It helps if you make sure some spurious charity is shown on the sign.  It encourages the locals to contribute)
  7. One teacher is selected to start the supervision, while the rest repair to the Firemans' Arms.
  8. Drink is ordered and partaken.
  9. Ensure a fair rota is set up so all teachers involved do their fair share of supervision of the wash/wax stall
  10. 1 packet of chippies each is given to the participating pupils to keep up their energy
  11. Drink is ordered and partaken, pizza is ordered and eaten.
  12. Pack up to get back to Nuova Lazio by 3.
  13. Give each participating pupil $1 in way of thanks and dismiss.
  14. Return to staffroom and divvy up the proceeds.  There should be sufficient to cover all pub expenses, with a little extra left over.
To maximise the proceeds it has been found in the past that having at least one of the participating pupils in a wheelchair attracts many more customers, and they leave bigger tips.

To really maximise profits, make sure some of the older Year 13 girls are available in bikinis.  These ladies will attract many, many more customers, but they also need to be recompensed with much more money.

Much more profitable


  1. Please write shorter posts when I'm running late.

  2. I'm surprised that you didn't run for the mayoralty of the Supercity TSB. It is entrepreneurial skills like yours that are needed in these times, particularly ones that are unencumbered by political correctness, legality or morality.

  3. Very good TC, but I don't want too much publicity.
    Interpol is quite efficient, and the statute of limitations hasn't run out yet.

  4. I have to go with the 3 student option but some of the year 13 girls might creep me out. Better to have everybody in Bikini and then it has neutral shock value, and you still make money.

    Have a good weekend ya Bastard.


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