I knew it had to happen.
It could not be stopped.
Back to school.
Richard [of RBB] is of to some sort of musical orgy in the Bay of Plenty, so he's escaped the gloom. The rest of us have to grin and endure.
Only good thing is that Aunty Twisted said that she would be leaving tonight. You know, it's strange. Aunty Twisted arriving unannounced, just as Richard [of RBB] said he was off up North. Maybe Aunty is really Richard [of RBB] in drag.
Must dash, more teachers phoning in saying they'll be absent.
This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in these posts are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental. These posts have no connection to reality. Any attempt by the reader to replicate any scene in these posts is to be taken at the reader's own risk. Entire regions described in these posts do not exist. Any attempt to learn anything from these posts is disrecommended by the author.
I feel a lot like that second picture this morning cause after 2 weeks of sleep ins I feel tired and moody. On a more pressing matter, what will I do without Twisted Aunty's help now?